Tharawal Social and Emotional Wellbeing

187 Riverside Drive, Airds, NSW 2560

Tharawal has employed a team of passionate people to help their local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community better manage social and emotional wellbeing. The team is made up of a Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, 2 x Mental Health Workers (Male and Female), Psychologist and a Youth Worker.

Social & Emotional Wellbeing Key Facts document click here

What is Social and Emotional Wellbeing?

The term “social and emotional wellbeing” is used by many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to describe the social, emotional, spiritual, and cultural wellbeing of a person.

The term recognises that connection to land, culture, spirituality, family, and community are important to people and can impact on their wellbeing.

It also recognises that a person’s social and emotional wellbeing is influenced by policies and past events.

There are many different factors that can impact on a person’s social and emotional wellbeing.

These can range from normal everyday stresses to major life events.


Mission Statement

Supporting and promoting the social, emotional, spiritual, and cultural wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people and community.

We work from a belief that connection to land, culture, spirituality, family, and community are important to people and impact their wellbeing.

Our Services

  • Counselling
  • Case management
  • Case coordination
  • Mental health
  • Physical health
  • Medication
  • Legal
  • Centrelink
  • National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
  • Housing
  • Medical
  • Emergency relief
  • Community Support
  • Dental
  • Art therapy
  • Social Work
  • Drug and Alcohol


We accept referrals from individuals and services within the community. Individuals can contact us to discuss the support we can provide on 02 4624 9430. Services can fill out our referral form and email it to

Please click on the referral processes below for more information

Referral In Form

Referral Process (External)

Referral Process (Internal)



“In my experience working with people I have found that grief is one of the most difficult emotions to deal with and can be a complex issue. It is important to realise that grief is a very normal response to losing a loved one from you life.

It can present as teariness, reduced motivation and reduced enjoyment of recreational activities and, if unrecognized and unaddressed, can develop into violence, drug and alcohol abuse, social withdrawal and depression.

Despite this, I believe that grief, when managed properly, has the power to strengthen communities and relationships by drawing people together to support each other.

If you are having any troubles with grief or any other emotional or psychological difficulties, please speak to your GP to arrange a referral to see Lynette Toms, our psychologist at Tharawal.

Social Work and Drug and Alcohol

The Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Senior Social Worker assists in providing cultural and clinical support to clients wanting assistance with a vast range of Mental Health and Drug and Alcohol issues, through use of specialist skills, and dedicated expertise ensuring wraparound psychosocial support to individuals, couples and families.

The expanded skills of the AOD Senior Social Worker include;

  • Individualised Case Management
  • Psychosocial Assessments
  • Confidential Counselling and Art Psychotherapy
  • Crisis, and chronic health support
  • Advocacy for clients with other services (e.g., Emergency Accommodation, FACS, Legal Matters)
  • Detox and Rehabilitation Assistance
  • Outreach Support Services

The AOD Senior Social Worker works alongside the Tharawal Mental Health team, Drug and Alcohol Clinic, and other internal and external support services available to clients to provide comprehensive recovery oriented care to individuals, families and significant others.

Senior Social Workers are educated at Master’s degree level to provide clinical support in both counselling interventions, and art psychotherapy with extensive experience in mental health, and substance use.

Social Workers believe in strength-based, recovery oriented practice, and working with you at every stage of your journey to ensure you receive individualised, person-oriented care that is meaningful, and values your active participated in your care plan.

Outreach Services at Tharawal Aboriginal Corporation – Located in the SEWB Building

NSW Housing – Every Tuesday 10:00am–3:30pm

Centrelink – Wednesday Fortnightly 10:00am–12:00pm

SMART Recovery – Wednesdays 1:00pm-2:30pm

NDIS – 1st Wednesday of each month 10:00am-12:00pm

Legal Advice – Every Thursday of each month – 10:00am-12:00pm

Murumittigar Community Finance – Every Friday 9.30am-3.00pm

SMART Recovery – Fridays 2:00pm-3:30pm


How Tharawal Aboriginal Corporation and South Western Sydney Local Health District work together to achieve better outcomes for mental health clients.


How art therapy helps Tharawal Aboriginal Corporation’s mental health clients to feel safe and access other supports, including clinical services.


Why Tharawal Aboriginal Corporation takes a holistic approach to caring for its community members.