Tharawal Brighter Futures

Dhiiyaan (meaning Family)

187 Riverside Drive, Airds, NSW 2560

Are you struggling with the everyday pressures of being a parent? You are not alone.

Building Strengths & Engaging Families through Cultural Understanding

Community or Self Referral

Families wanting to participate in the Dhiiyaan Brighter Futures program can be referred to us through the following pathways:
A community agency or health professional such as a doctor, welfare worker, childcare worker or teachers
The Department of Community Services Helpline
Self referral
To make a community referral or self referral, please phone us on 02 4620 0400 or visit our centre to discuss
the referral and we will guide you through the process.

What We Do

Our objective is building strengths and engaging families with Cultural support, to promote:

  • Healthy development in children
  • Strong and functional families
  • Help reduce child abuse and neglect
  • Help reduce intergenerational disadvantage

Tharawal has many programs of which Brighter Futures are directly linked to and can assist your family with accessing the right ones for you.

The Brighter Futures Program

With the cultural support of the Dhiiyaan Brighter Futures Program, you are able to assist with the planning of your family’s future.

Brighter Futures is designed to support you and your family and together we can work on building the strengths and needs you and your family already have.

Each family joining the program will be linked with a Brighter Futures caseworker who will work with families to identify their strengths and needs and develop a cultural support package.

Our Services

Our services are centered but not limited to linking families to the following services:

  • Centre-based quality child care
  • Regular home visiting
  • Parenting Programs
  • Case Management
  • Centre and home based family support services

Is Brighter Futures the right program for my family?

Eligibility and suitability are assessed by identifying whether your family may be experiencing challenges in some of the following areas:

  • Lack of family or social support
  • Child behavioural or mental health issues
  • Parenting mental health issues
  • Parenting drug or alcohol misuse
  • Experiencing domestic or family violence
  • Parental learning difficulties or intellectual disabilities
  • In need of parenting skills

Once family are determined eligible by the Brighter Futures Unit, a suitability assessment will then be completed by the allocated Caseworker

Indigenous Triple P

A positive parenting program that helps families to minimise the stresses of parenting and maximise the fun of raising children.

123 Magic

A short but effective parenting program to assist with challenging behaviours that some parents face in their day to day lives.

Money Management

Learn budgeting tips and how to avoid future budgeting challenges.

Play Group

Brighter Futures also link families to other programs that may be beneficial to assist your family achieve goals.

Woman’s Healing and Pampering Groups

Learn ideas that you can take home to take care of yourself as we often forget to.