Waranwarin Early Learning Centre
Our Centre
- Education and Care for children 6 weeks to 6 years
- Open 48 weeks per year
- Long Day Care Centre with Before and After School Care and Vacation Care
- Transport available for children over two years old
- Early Childhood Educators who are qualified and responsive to your child’s needs
- Educational resources that are age and stage appropriate to help children reach development milestones.
- Health Checks and Screening
- Nutritious meals provided throughout the day
- Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and National Quality Framework
- School Readiness Program
- Cultural learning experiences embedded into educational program
- Dharawal language is taught at the centre, through the Gudjaga Foundation.
Our Philosophy
Children’s Identity and connection to country are respected and embedded in learning.
The relationships we make with out children, families and mob are respected and valued.
Enrolment Information
To enrol at the centre you will need to contact us and you can view the premises and meet our Early Years Manager, Alinta. If there are no vacancies at the time you can complete a waitlist enquiry form. This will be provided to you at the time or emailed to you on request.
Child Care Subsidy
Child Care Subsidy (CCS) is paid by the Australian Government to help families, whose children attend Accredited Services, with the cost of child care.
To apply for reduced fees, families must establish their eligibility and entitlement to Child Care Subsidy (CCS) by making a claim to Centrelink. Ideally, this should be done before children start attending child care to avoid full fee being charged by the centre. Back payment may be paid by Centrelink and the initial back payment is made to the parent/carer, it is then your responsibility to be all fees owing to the centre.
Child Care Subsidy is expressed as a percentage and is applied for a specific number of hours per fortnight, usually ranging from 24 hours to 100 hours. Most families are entitled to the minimum of 50% Child Care Subsidy, Depending on your percentage determined by Centrelink this reduces your fees and usually is paid directly to the centre. You will be required to pay the gap fee.
Centrelink determines how many hours you are entitled to and can range from 24 hours to 100 hours. Information on how to claim is available on Centrelink’s website.
Service Hours
The Centre operates Monday to Friday 7.30am to 6.00pm. The centre is open 48 weeks per year. The centre closes over the December/ January school holidays and all New South Wales public holidays.
The Centre provides care for children from 6 weeks to school entry.
The children are cared for in four age groups:
- 6 weeks to 2 years
- 2 years to 3 years
- 3 years to 5 years
- 5 years to 12 years (children who attend primary school)
It is our policy that all families/carers pay fee two weeks in advance prior to your child commencing. The parent/carer must continue to pay weekly fees in order to maintain a credit balance of two weeks fees at all times.
We encourage all parents to make payments via iPay, families/carers can choose this option by filling appropriate details on your enrolment form. As stated fees are payable fortnightly in advance. Payments can be scheduled regularly through iPay.
Please note other options are available via tap n go or direct deposit, please ask management for more information.
Fees are charged for all days your child is booked to attend the Centre, including public holidays. No fees are charged when the Centre is closed for NAIDOC day and over the December/ January close down period.
Fees are currently $10.00 per hour according to your session type. An increase in fees will occur from July 2024.
Sometimes families have difficulty paying fees on time. If you have financial difficulties that may affect your fee payments, please contact the Director/Manager. All discussions are confidential.
Please be aware that if your fees fall into arrears, we cannot guarantee your child’s position at the Centre unless arrangements have been made with the Manager.
Parents/Carers who fail to collect their child by 6pm will be charged a Late Collection Fee of $1.00 per minute until your child is collected.
Centre Sessions
As a service we try and match families hours of entitlement of Child Care Subsidy to the length of care that we can provide. This will need to be agreed by you and you will be required to sign a complying written agreement.
Hours allowed from Centrelink
24 Hours
Session 1
9:00am – 3:00pm
36 Hours
Session 2
9:00am – 5:00pm
72 Hours
Session 3
8:00am – 5:00pm
100 Hours
Session 4
7:30am – 5:30pm
8:00am – 6:00pm
Please Note Session 1 is only available to parents who have 24 hours allowable through Centrelink.
Contact Us
Address: 105 Townson Avenue Minto NSW 2566
Phone: 02 9820 7447
Email: waranwarin@tacams.com.au