Eligibility Criteria
A person is eligible to apply to be a member of Tharawal Aboriginal Corporation if they meet the criteria listed below.
- (a) Is accepted by the local Aboriginal community as being Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander (Confirmation of Aboriginality is required)
- (b) Is at least 18 years of age (proof of age is required)
- (c) Is normally and permanently within the boundaries of Campbelltown City Council, Camden Council, Wollondilly Shire, and Liverpool City Council (proof of residency is required)
- (d) Is a person who makes a written application using the required Membership Application form.
- (e) Makes a written application on the required Membership Application form
- (f) Is accepted by the TAC Board of Directors on the day of application
Please note: Confirmation of Aboriginality, proof of age and proof of residency is required when an application is made.
Members’ Rights
- (a) Each member has the right to have their name entered on the Register of Members once they have been admitted to the member of TAC
- (b) To attend, speak and vote at general meetings, to stand for a position on the Board of Directors, and if eligible, be elected as an office bearer or member of the Board.
- (c) To receive notice of meetings in accordance with the Constitution of TAC.
- (d) To request to inspect a copy of the annual financial statements and the auditor’s report at the Annual General Meeting, or at any other reasonable time. This request must be in writing to the Chief Executive Officer or Secretary.
- (e) To put forward resolutions at general meetings.
- (f) To ask the Directors to call a general meeting.
- (g) To have access to a structured grievance process.
Members’ Responsibilities
- (a) To elect a Board of Directors that will properly run the Corporation and represent members equitably and fairly
- (b) To permit meetings of the Corporation to be conducted in a peaceful manner and to abide by the Constitution of the Corporation.
- (c) To follow the Constitution of the Corporation
- (d) Let the Corporation know if they change their address
- (e) To treat all members with respect;
- (f) To abide by the Members’ Code of Conduct.
How to become a Member
Eligible persons seeking to become Members of TAC must apply in writing using the required Membership Application form to the TAC Board of Directors. Once eligibility has been determined, the application shall be brought to the next meeting of the Board of Directors. Each application for membership will be voted on by the Board of Directors and the vote recorded.
If you are interested in becoming a Member of Tharawal Aboriginal Corporation, please contact Executive Management on 02 4628 4837.