Lyrebirds Exercise Programs
It is a well-known fact that physical activity has significant health benefits and contributes to the prevention of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes.
Physical activity can take many different forms, in many different places.
Tharawal Aboriginal Corporation runs a variety of physical activity classes to suit all ages and fitness levels.
Join the classes and be on your way to move more and sit less every day.
Young at Heart Exercise and Education Program
Keep your heart young by exercising and having a yarn with health professionals about keeping healthy.
When: Tuedays, during the school term
Time: 1:00pm – 2:30pm
Where: Tharawal Community Hall, 187 Riverside Drive Airds NSW 2560
Line Dance Group
When: Thursdays, during the school term
Time: 4:30pm – 5:30pm
Where: Tharawal Community Hall, 187 Riverside Drive Airds NSW 2560
Go4Fun – Healthy Active Happy Kids
Help your family get healthy, happy and active with Go4Fun!
Go4Fun is an evidence-based, targeted healthy lifestyle program that aims to improve the health, fitness and self-esteem of children aged 7 to 13 and their families. Go4Fun is a fun way to learn more about healthier living. The program focuses on making lifestyle changes as a family, encourages healthy eating and fitness habits, and improves self-esteem in kids.
The Go4Fun program is run by qualified health professionals, including Tharawal dietitian and Aboriginal Health Workers and Case Workers.
In the first hour, children and adults learn about healthy eating for the whole family. In the second hour, children enjoy game-based activities while the adults discuss how to work on better health at home.
When: Tuesdays, during school term.
Time: 4:00pm to 6:00pm
Where: Tharawal Aboriginal Corporation, 187 Riverside Drive Airds NSW 2560