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About THAC

Tharawal Housing Aboriginal Corporation (THAC) is a Community Housing Provider that specialises in providing social housing for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People.

Tharawal Housing Aboriginal Corporation aims to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to successfully sustain tenancies by linking clients into support services where applicable.

Tharawal Housing Aboriginal Corporation aims to educate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people by providing pathways into improved housing
outcomes delivered in a culturally appropriate manner.

Tharawal Housing Aboriginal Corporation staff are experienced workers who are trained to deal with difficult situations and understand the importance of valuing each person’s experience with the organisation.

  • We will be courteous and respectful when working with you
  • Listen to your concerns and provide the best advice possible
  • Follow the Code of Conduct
  • Refer or link tenants to support services when required
  • Respond to enquiries in a timely manner
  • Provide tenants with accurate housing information
  • Regular communication with tenants e.g. by phone, SMS or home visits
  • Work within the guiding principles of the Housing Act 2001 and the Residential Tenancies Agreement 2010.
  • Value the privacy and confidentiality as set out in the Privacy Act 1998 and the Health Records Act 2002 NSW.
  • Provide a holistic service to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander tenants by providing access to quality housing, healthcare, childcare, education and social and wellbeing services.
  • To educate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people by providing pathways into improved housing outcomes delivered in a culturally appropriate manner.
  • Apply for grants/funding and assistance where possible to provide quality housing to Aboriginal people.
  • Promote and encourage training and employment opportunities for Aboriginal people.
  • Work with government and non-government organisation to ensure a viable Aboriginal social housing sector into the future for Aboriginal people.

Tharawal Housing Aboriginal Corporation is committed to providing all clients with outstanding customer services.

This is achieved by:

  • Treating everyone with dignity and respect
  • Actively seeking feedback on ways to improve service delivery
  • Providing a safe and secure environment
  • Following the Code of Practice for Housing for Community Housing Providers, relevant laws and standards
  • Ensuring accountability for actions
  • Making sure policies are accessible and up to date
  • Listening to the issues

We’re here to help with housing.

Find out how we can help you find or keep your housing, how to apply for private rental assistance or social housing, understand your rights and responsibilities as a tenant or request help with a property and find out more about management transfers

Quick access

Tharawal Housing Aboriginal Corporation outsources maintenance to Hume Community Housing. Hume Community Housing works in close  partnership with Tharawal Housing Aboriginal Corporation to provide  outstanding service delivery to our people. All maintenance work is undertaken by their accredited contractors.

Tenants are to report any maintenance or repair needs to their home as soon as practicable. Any maintenance issues reported will be managed in accordance with the Repairs and Maintenance Policy.

Maintenance issues can be reported by:

As a tenant you have the following rights…

  • To be provided with a written lease agreement
  • To be provided with a Property Condition Report at the commencement of your tenancy
  • To be assisted to understand any information you are provided with
  • To be advised of your rights and responsibilities
  • To be provided a copy of the Housing Service Charter.
  • To provide feedback, complaints and appeals.

As a tenant you are responsible for…

  • Providing accurate and up to date information relating to household
    occupants and any changes to income to Tharawal Aboriginal Housing Corporation within a timely manner
  • Reporting any issues you may have with maintenance, property damage or nuisance and annoyance
  • Report any issues you may have with staff or the service you are delivered by Tharawal Housing Aboriginal Corporation.

As a tenant you are responsible for…
Tharawal Housing Aboriginal Corporation aims to keep all tenants informed of any changes to processes or policies or upcoming events.

We do this by:

  • Letters
  • Emails
  • Text Messages
  • Newsletters
  • Updating our Website
  • Notice Boards
  • Social Media
  • Tenant Forums

Building stronger families and communities.

Centrelink Community Engagement Officers provide services to vulnerable members of the community. We can help you:

  • Manage your business with us
  • Access government and community services for assistance and other support Centrelink Community Engagement Officers provide help in locations where you feel comfortable and can have the support
    of others.

South West Tenancy Advice & Advocacy Service
South West Sydney Tenants Advice and Advocacy Service provide advice to tenants, duty advocacy in the Tribunal, and community education to frontline workers as well as tenants. Also, as appropriate, SWSTAAS provides advocacy referral, and representation in the Tribunal – conciliation and/or formal hearing.

Macarthur Legal Centre
Macarthur Legal Centre believes that it’s important to be a part of the community they service, so our solicitors provide face-to-face legal advice sessions at various outreach locations throughout the Macarthur region. You may make an appointment with the Social & Emotional Well-being Reception.

Mission Australia Homelessness
Mission Australia provides support for individuals and families across Fairfield, Liverpool, Campbelltown, Camden, Wollondilly, Wingecarribee and Bankstown who are homeless or at risk of homelessness to find appropriate, affordable and sustainable housing.

Feedback From Tenants
Tharawal Housing Aboriginal Corporation values the feedback of all tenants. It is important that tenants are able to voice their concerns and share ideas on how service delivery can be  improved. Tenants are able to provide feedback to Tharawal Housing Aboriginal Corporation in many forms, such as:

  • Yearly surveys
  • Participating in tenant forums
  • Speaking with their housing officer
  • Being an active member of the Tharawal Yarning Circle
  • Suggestion box
  • Lodging feedback via our Feedback and Complaints Form

Feedback is used to improve service delivery, identify changes to be made and re-examine aspects of policy and procedure. To ensure that tenants and applicants are aware of their rights, Tharawal Housing Aboriginal Corporation will:

  • Give tenants and applicants information on their rights and responsibilities in a format that is easy to understand.
  • Have policies that are consistent with the organisation’s constitution and
    applicants’ rights and responsibilities.
  • Have clear mechanisms and structures by which tenants and active applicants have the opportunity to provide input into the organisation
    and encourage them to participate in decision-making
  • Inform and seek the opinion and ideas of tenants and active applicants when
    considering important changes.
  • Ensure people get enough information and time to make consultations useful.
  • Ensure staff know the support options available and have working relationships with key individuals in other appropriate organisations in their local community.

Tharawal Housing Aboriginal Corporation will utilize the outcomes of complaints and comments as lessons learnt and use this information as way to improve the approach of service delivery to our clients.

About THAC 4